Friday, November 2, 2007

Free Homebrew PSP Games

Author: Michael Jordan

First, lets talk about what does the homebrew term means. This term is all around the Internet when you search on psp’s but I guess not many know really what the term meant. Homebrew is applied to video games that are not typically user-programmable. Some refer to homebrew as home-developed games or non-commercial video games. It was found out in June of 2005 that an unsigned code can be run on a PSP firmware version 1.5. This lead to the creation of unsigned codes that is the backbone for the homebrew games. Sony had come up with many security features but still the homebrew creators are successful. One of the most popular types of homebrewed games that you might have heard of is the fangames.

There are many free homebrew video games available in the Internet. Here is a list of some of them for your reference.

1. PSP Dungeons
This comes in 3D environment and setting.
2. LUAmines
This is a homebrew version of the PSP puzzle game called Lumines.
3. Snake for PSP
Basically this is the same as what you have on your hand phone. Very basic but good to have especially if you just need to something to get you occupied while on a queue, etc.
4. Space Invaders
Considered a classic game which most of game players are very familiar with.
5. Quake V2
You should never miss this if you are a hard-core fan of the famous quake game.
6. Beats of range
Patterned after street fighter.

Just type all these titles in the Internet and you should be able to find them for free download. There are a lot of sites offering free downloads for homebrew PSP games. Check out the site first before you decide to download the stuff. Some sites may have spam or virus so its best to do a bit of research before you start your download. Do check out the squidoo website as they offer quite a good range of free homebrew games.

There is no need to list down the sites with free homebrew games because there are thousands of them in the Internet. All you need to do is invest a bit of your time to search for it in the Internet.

Jordan Michael writes on a variety of subjects and recommends for more information on Free Homebrew PSP Games.

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Listening to Your Music With The Help Of Your Car Ipod

Author: Corbin Newlyn

Traveling in a vehicle is an enjoyable experience for numerous people, particularly those who take pleasure in listening to their preferred music during their early morning commute to work. However, on certain occasions, regardless of how much effort you put in, there is hardly anything enjoyable to listen to on the radio, and you are fed up with the CD's that you have also.

The question has probably has occurred to you; wouldn't it be perfect to listen to your iPod while you are in your car. Well, in fact you now have to option to this if you wish. The car iPod is a modern creation that a person can use during their drive. It affords you simply one more worthwhile and accessible alternative from which to select.

Quick Start To Using Your Car Ipod

There are various options to getting your car iPod installed into you existing stereo components. Various new vehicles today come equipped with an iPod transmitter incorporated into the radio itself, such as the newer BMW cars and SUV's. However, many automobiles do not and so need additional work in order to have a car iPod installed.

There is available on the market that an individual can purchase that give the ability of the car iPod to be integrated in the automobile for a lost cost price of approximately $20. However, the sound delivered to the stereo on these kinds of cost effective transmitters is not really high quality, so this may be problematic for some people who enjoy their music to be a first-rate hi-fidelity sound.

In order to do the installation of your car iPod your self several items are needed. A flat head screwdriver and a Phillips screwdriver are both essentials, in addition to a docking connector and, or course, an iPod player.

Additionally, you will want to have a car stereo harness if you are putting in a brand new head unit too. If you have the proper equipment, you have the ability to quite simply install your own car iPod into your own automobile and listen to thousands of digital quality songs as you cruise down the road.

With the technology that is extensively accessible in the market nowadays, doing these installations yourself can be reasonably simple, even if help is necessary, there are technicians that can perform these kinds of routines professionally also.

The price should not be that high for work to be accomplished such as this, if a person just does not have the desire or time to do it on their own. A car iPod can make for a totally new magnitude of music and sound to your day-to-day driving routine or experience.

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About the Author:
Listen to Corbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of electronics. If you would like to learn more go to Ipod Nanos advice and at Ipod Headphones tips.

Convert Movies to Psp Format

Author: Michael Jordan

Sony PSP has been a tremendous hit as a portable gaming console, winning the hearts of all ages. No matter where I turn my head or when I take a walk I can always find people of all ages holding a PSP in their hand and gaming away in another world of their own.

With the popularity of the Sony PSP console, people have found ways to keep themselves entertained. And with the use of the Internet as a daily tool, we of all people have expanded the use of the Sony PSP console. It all began as from an idea of having a portable device in the palm of the hand and the next thing you know or realize is watching your favorite movie from a PSP console.

Before we can convert any movies to PSP format, we must understand how you are going to accomplish the task. Use a movie converter like “Media Manager for PSP” will enable anyone to convert any movie format to PSP format. Movie converter software programs like “Media Manager for PSP” supports .mp4, .avi, .mpg, .mov, .wmv, and other popular video formats. Simply use “Media Manager for PSP” to convert your favorite movie files to PSP format. Unlike other movie converters which requires a 2 step to more to convert your movies, this program manager offers drag and drop function to manage your files between your PSP console and your windows PC. It’s that easy.

Simply drag and drop your favorite files to and from your PSP console and you can even manage to backup your saved games to your windows PC. “Media Manager for PSP” manages and does everything and all the work for you, there is no need to worry about file formats or even preparing your files for transfer between your PSP and windows PC. The program manager takes care of it all. There is no other PSP manager that does this well than the “Media Manager for PSP”. It is truly a winner’s program that manages everything with having the user following what works with PSP and what don’t.

To briefly illustrate further about the software program functions, it does not just stop with managing your favorite movie files, it can also manage your digital photographs, music files, latest pod casts, video blogs, download your favorite websites, saved games, and even view your documents in HTML format and transfer Excel, Words, .txt and many other documents from your PSP console.

“Media Manager for PSP” is clearly the best or winner program manager to manage between your PSP and your windows PC. Most PSP movie converters require complicated steps and procedures to convert your movies to PSP, while some requires only limited movie files that you can convert to PSP format. To have a better understanding, here are the many different types movie formats you may encounter to convert movie to PSP formats;

.3g2, .3gp, .3gp2, .3gpp, .3mm, .60d, .aep, .ajp, .amv, .asf, .asx, .avb, .avi, .avs, .bik, .bix, .box, .byu, .cvc, .d2v, .dat, .dce, .dif, .dir, .divx, .dpg, .dv, .dxr, .eye, .fcp, .flc, .fli, .flv, .flx, .gl, .grasp, .gvi, .gvp, .ifo, .imovieproject, .ivf, .ivs, .izz, .izzy, .lsf, .lsx, .m1v, .m2v, .m4e,.m4u, .m4v, .mjp, .mkv, .moov, .mov, .movie, .mp4, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2, .msh, .mswmm, .mvb, .mvc, .nvc, .ogm, .omf, .playlist, .pro, .prproj, .prx, .qt, .qtch, .rm, .rmvb, .rp, .rts, .rts, .sbk, .scm, .sfvidcap, .smil, .smv, .spl, .srt, .ssm, .str, .svi, .swf, .swi, .tda3mt, .tivo, .ts, .vdo, .vf, .vfw, .vid, .viewlet, .viv, .vivo, .vob, .vro, .w32, .wcp, .wm, .wmd, .wmv, .wmx, .wvx, .yuv.

The above is over a hundred different types of file format that you may come across with. And you can imagine simply converting movies to PSP format is complicated task to perform but all these tasks can be made simple with the converter program “Media Manager for PSP”.

Jordan Michael writes on a variety of subjects and recommends for more information on Convert Movies To PSP Format .

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